In this article, we’ll expand the CRUD REST API build in one of the recent articles…
In other programming languages like Java, it is common to embed static files or resources in…
Unlike many other programming languages, Go has no build-in enum type. This article shows how to…
The net/http package in Go defines the http.Handler Interface and the http.HandlerFunc type. These types are…
A common use case for Go applications is building REST API web services. In this article,…
Most Go Tutorials state every Go program starts at the main function in package main. Unfortunately,…
Channels are a powerful tool for communication and concurrent processing in Go. Every type in Go…
Writing table-driven tests is a common pattern for unit tests in Go. They are frequently used…
Implementing REST APIs is a typical use case for Go applications. Malformed data that got accepted…
Every Go program’s entry point is the main function. Typically, the main function initializes the program…